Fox Movietone News Collection. 1957 - 1963. Motion Picture Newsreel Films. 1957 - 1963. Movietone News, Vol. 40, No. 98


Fox Movietone News Collection. 1957 - 1963. Motion Picture Newsreel Films. 1957 - 1963. Movietone News, Vol. 40, No. 98


Part 1, rocket scientist von Braun and Gen. Medaris confer in Huntsville, Ala. An Army Jupiter C missile is launched. Includes views of Huntsville. Part 2, Pres. Eisenhower and Sec. of State Dulles greet Moroccan King Mohammed V as he arrives in Wash., D.C. Part 3, Cecile Dionne is married in Corbeil, Canada. Part 4 shows a cat show. Part 5, football: North Carolina vs. Duke Univ.

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